A marketing-controlling lehetőségei a kis- és középvállalatok versenyképességének növelésében
Title | A marketing-controlling lehetőségei a kis- és középvállalatok versenyképességének növelésében |
Publication Type | Book Chapter |
Year of Publication | 2006 |
Pagination | 9 |
Authors | Katona, F. |
Editor | Bakonyi, I., J. Rechnitzer, and K. Solt |
Book Title | Évkönyv, 2005 – Átalakulási folyamatok Közép-Európában |
Publisher | Széchenyi István Egyetem Jog és Gazdaságtudományi Kar Multidiszciplináris Társadalomtudományi Doktori Iskola |
City | Győr, Hungary |
Publication Language | Hungarian |
Abstract | Nowadays more than half of employees work for small- and medium-sized enterprises in Hungary and in European Union too. Small- and medium-sized enterprises produce also the determinant part of GDP. Only these facts considerably increase their importance. However they business-size does not make possible to enforce their interests. We must note also that their efficiency often is the same as multinational companies thanks to their flexibility, easy co-ordinateness, etc. I should like to consider the possibility of increasing efficiency of small- and medium-sized enterprises in different standpoint. Is the methodology of marketing controlling applicable in this case? How far is typical of small- and medium-sized enterprises using marketing instruments? How measure can we apply these instruments? Since the sources of small- and medium-sized enterprises are very limited it is particular what marketing actions to choose and in what way take it. In these questions can help marketing controlling. |