Found 309 results
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"An Application of Intelligent 3D Reconstruction in Vehicle System Dynamics",
2nd IEEE Int. Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Science and Technology, pp. 257 - 262, 2004.
"Automatic 3D Modeling Based on Soft Computing Techniques",
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2004 (INES’04), pp. 199 - 204, 2004.
"Automatic 3D Modeling Based on Soft Computing Techniques",
8th IEEE Int. Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, pp. 199 - 204, 2004.
"Car Body Deformation Determination Based on Soft Computing Techniques",
11th IEEE PhD Mini-Symposium, pp. 12 - 13, 2004.
"Car Body Deformation Modeling based on Soft Computing Techniques and Image Processing",
3rd International Conference on Global Reserch an Educatio in Intelligent Systems, Interacademia., Budapest, BME, pp. 75 - 84, 2004.
"Car Body Deformation Modeling Based on Soft Computing Techniques and Image Processing",
3rd Int. Conf. On Global Research and Education in Intelligent Systems, Inter-Akademia’2004, pp. 75 - 84, 2004.
"Corner Detection in Digital Images Using Fuzzy Reasoning",
2nd IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, pp. 95 - 99, 2004.
"Corner Detection in Digital Images Using Fuzzy Reasoning",
2nd IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, pp. 95 - 99, 2004.
"Fuzzy Logic Supported Point Correspondence Matching for 3D Reconstruction",
5th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, pp. 47 - 58, 2004.
"Fuzzy Logic Supported Point Correspondence Matching for 3D Reconstruction",
5th Int. Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, pp. 47 - 58, 2004.
"Intelligent Integrated Systems Japanese-Hungarian Joint Laboratory as an European-Asian Academic Bridge",
3rd Int. Conf. On Global Research and Education in Intelligent Systems, Inter-Akademia’2004, pp. 9 - 13, 2004.
"Intelligent Methods for Car Deformation Modeling and Crash Speed Estimation",
1st Romanian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence, pp. 75 - 84, 2004.
"Intelligent Methods for Car Deformation Modeling and Crash Speed Estimation",
1st Romanian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence, pp. 75 - 84, 2004.
"Iterative Evaluation of Anytime PSGS Fuzzy Systems",
Machine Intelligence Quo Vadis?, Heidelberg, World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, pp. 93 - 106, 2004.
"Numerical Control Design for Aeroelastic Systems",
2nd Slovakian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence (SAMI 2004), pp. 43 - 50, 2004.
"Reference Signal Following Control Design of the TORA System: a TP Model Transformation Based Approach",
Proceedings of Sixth Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control (CONTROLO 2004), pp. 85 - 90, 2004.
"Soft Computing Based Car Body Deformation and EES Determination for Car Crash Analysis Systems",
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, pp. 1674 - 1679, 2004.
"Soft Computing Based car Body Deformation and EES Determination for car Crash Analysis Systems",
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference: IEEE, pp. 1674 - 1679, 2004.
"Soft Computing Techniques for the Improvement of Signal Processing Algorithms",
Proceedings of the 2nd Serbian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Intelligent Systems (SISY 2004), pp. - , 2004.
"Soft Computing Techniques for the Improvement of Signal Processing Algorithms",
2nd Serbian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Intelligent Systems, pp. 201 - 214, 2004.
"Reference Signal Following Control Design of the TORA System: A TP Model Transformation Based Approach",
Sixth Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO 2004, Faro, Portugal, pp. 85-90, 2004.
"Anytime Fuzzy Modeling Approach for Fault Detection Systems",
20th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, (IMTC 2003): IEEE, pp. 1611 - 1616, 2003.
"Anytime System Scheduler for Insufficient Resource Availability",
IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, pp. 205 - 210, 2003.
"Asymptotic Stabilization of Aeroelastic Systems via TP Transformation",
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing: IEEE, pp. 143 - 147, 2003.
"Autonomous Navigation in a Known Dynamic Environment",
IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2003), pp. 266 - 271, 2003.