Influence of filtering in surface roughness characterization
Cím | Influence of filtering in surface roughness characterization |
Közlemény típusa | Conference Proceedings |
Kiadás éve | 2007 |
Szerzők | Fekete, G., and Á. Czifra |
Konferencia neve | ECOTRIB 2007,European Conference on Tribology |
Oldalszám | 307-317 |
Kiadás dátuma | 06/2007 |
Konferencia helyszíne | Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Kiadás nyelve | english |
ISBN-szám | 978-961-90254-8-2 |
Kulcsszavak | filtering, Power spectral density, surface roughness |
Összefoglalás | The article deals with a special problem area of the filtering and evaluation techniques of surface roughness measurement and calls attention to the contradictions of parameters to characterize surface microgeometry. Differences in the value of parameters are presented through analysis of the operating surfaces of three different component types. Power spectral density function were used to characterize the wavelength components of measured profiles. It was stated that the parameter-based evaluation system is very sensitive to the filtering. Power spectral analysis could be an effective tool to interpret the parametric results. |