Found 42 results
Szűrők: Szerző = Tamás Hartványi [Minden szűrő visszaállítása]
"Possibilities to integrate Danube into logistics of containers from Asia",
3rd International Scientific Conference on Ports and Waterways POWA3, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 196-215, 2008.
"RFID in supply chains – possibilities and solutions",
Annals of Faculty of Engineering of Hunedoara – Journal of Engineering, vol. 6, issue 2, pp. 183-190, 2008.
"A belvízi hajózással kapcsolatos új kihívások elméleti és gyakorlati megközelítése",
I. Logisztikai Rendszerek és Elméletek Tudományos Konferencia, Győr, pp. 71-77, 2007.
Információrendszer tervezés: Az adat- és funkcionalitás modell tervezése,
, Győr, Alexander Alapítvány, 2007.
"Regional development model based on the cooperation of regional logistical resources",
Integration of Multi-purpose Danube-Sava Canal into european traffic corridors International Thematic Scientific Symposium, Vukovar, Croatia, pp. ., 2007.
"RFId applications in the supply chain",
1st Annual RFID Eurasia Conference & Exhibitions, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. ., 2007.
"Theoretical and practical approach for the new challenges of inland navigation",
Second International Scientific Conference on Ports and Waterways POWA2007, Vukovar, Croatia, pp. ., 2007.
"Comparative analysis on economic environment or transporting companies in MicroCAD",
Logistical information technology, Miskolc, pp. 113-121, 16-17 Marc 2006.
"Adopting RFID in supply chains",
ICM 2006 3rd IEEE Conference on Mechatronics, Budapest, pp. ., 2006.
"Alternativen der RFid – Anwendung bei der Steuerung von Systemen im Schienengüterverkehr",
Sächsische Fachtagung Workshop „LBS und RFID – Lösungsansätze in Logistik und Verkehr“, Győr, Ungarn , pp. 6-19, 2006.
"Comparative Analysis on Taxation Environment and Policy of Transporting Companies",
Sixth International Congress of Logistics Research, Pontremoli, Italy, pp. 283-295, 2006.
"Cost based innovation of combined road and companied railway transportation",
4th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress “The era of collaboration through supply chain networks”, Izmir, Turkey, pp. ., 2006.
"Cost-based analysis of accompanied road and railroad transport",
Conversations at Miskolc ‘2006, Miskolc, pp. 101-106, 2006.
"Informatische Modellierung der Logistischen Dienstleistungszentren mit mehreren Dezentren",
Sächsische Fachtagung Workshop „LBS und RFID – Lösungsansätze in Logistik und Verkehr“, Győr, Ungarn, pp. 89-98, 2006.
"Reorganization of the information system at an automotive supplier",
2nd Conference Management of Manufacturing Systems 2006, Prešov, Slovakia, pp. 74-78, 2006.
"Untersuchung der Einführung der RFID-Technologie in einem ungarischen Logistik-Distributions-Center",
Sächsische Fachtagung „Location Based Services“, Dresden, Deutschland , pp. . 90-96, 2006.
Minőségbiztosítás, Akkreditált Iskolarendszerű Felsőfokú Szakképzés tankönyve,
, Győr, SzIF - UNIVERSITAS Kft. Kiadói Üzletág , pp. 102, 1998.