Found 37 results
Szűrők: Szerző = Tick József [Minden szűrő visszaállítása]
"Some classes of binary operations in approximate reasoning",
Proceedings INES 2005 : 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Piscataway, IEEE Operations Center, pp. 123 - 128, 2005.
"Fuzzy Implications and Inference Processes",
Computing and Informatics, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 591-602, 2005.
"OOP fogalmak bemutatása C# programozási nyelven",
Matematika, fizika, számítástechnika főiskolai oktatók XXIX. konferenciája, Szeged, Hungary, 2005.
"A szoftverfejlesztés, mint mérnöki munka",
Informatika a Felsőoktatásban 2005, Debrecen, Hungary, 2005.
"Tiszta fogalmak a különböző nyelvi implementációk tükrében",
Informatika a Felsőoktatásban 2005, Debrecen, Hungary, 2005.
"Special Aspects of Component Based Software Development",
2nd Serbian – Hungarian Joint Symposium on Intelligent Systems, SISY 2004, Subotica, Serbia and Montenegro, pp. 269-276, October 1-2, 2004.
"The Road in Software Engineering Education from Structured Programming to Object-Oriented Modelling",
1st Romanian – Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence, SACI 2004, Timisoara, Romania, pp. 283-290, May 25-26, 2004.
"Importance and Contribution of Software Engineering to the Education of Informatics Professionals",
2nd Slovakien – Hungarian Joint Symposium in Applied Machine Intelligence, SAMI 2004, Herlany, Slovakia, pp. 317-324, January 16-17, 2004.
"How to achive good skills in Software Engineering – a practical way to train software developers",
1st Slovakien – Hungarian Joint Symposium in Applied Machine Intelligence, SAMI 2003, Herlany, Slovakia, pp. 217-224, February 12-14, 2003.
"Aspects of User Behaviour Modelling",
International Conference in Memoriam John von Neumann, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 269-274, December 12, 2003.
"User Interface Redesign based on User Behavior Analyses",
International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, ICCC 2003, Siófok, Hungary, pp. 141-144, August 29-31, 2003.
"Evaluation of Software Development Methodologies in the Aspect of Software Engineering Education",
3rd International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, ITHET 2002, Budapest, Hungary , pp. 381-383, July 4-6, 2002.