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"Elaboration of port development model based on logistical resources",
7th SoNorA University Think Tank Conference, Trieste, Italy, pp. ., 2011.
"Possibilities to integrate Danube into logistics of containers from Asia",
3rd International Scientific Conference on Ports and Waterways POWA3, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 196-215, 2008.
"A belvízi hajózással kapcsolatos új kihívások elméleti és gyakorlati megközelítése",
I. Logisztikai Rendszerek és Elméletek Tudományos Konferencia, Győr, pp. 71-77, 2007.
"Theoretical and practical approach for the new challenges of inland navigation",
Second International Scientific Conference on Ports and Waterways POWA2007, Vukovar, Croatia, pp. ., 2007.
"AI and Soft Computing Courses in the Measurement and Control Engineering Curriculum",
Proceedings of the Tempus JEP 07759 Modify Workshop - Automation and Control Engineering in Higher Education, pp. 89 - 97, 1995.