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"An Improved Adaptive Fourier Analyzer",
IEEE Int. Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing, WISP’99, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 182-187, 1999.
"A Fast Filter-Bank for Adaptive Fourier Analysis",
Proceedings of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, IMTC 1998, Piscataway, IEEE Press, pp. 915 - 918, 1998.
"A Fast Filter-Bank for Adaptive Fourier Analysis",
IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 47, issue 5, pp. 1124-1128, 1998.
"Improved Multi-Sine Synthesis and Analysis",
Int. Symp. on Electrical Instruments in Industry, IMEKO TC-4, Glasgow, United Kingdom, pp. 13-16, 1997.