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"Stochastic and Fuzzy Control Models for Photon Correlation Measurements",
4th World Automation Congress, Maui, Hawaii, USA, June, 2000.
"Stochastic control model for H-atoms (Non-radiating solution of the classical Bohr model)",
3rd APCCM, Tunhuang, China, sep, 1998.
"Probabilistic models for measures of dependence in quantumoptical measurements",
3rd World Automation Congress, Anchorage, USA, may, 1998.
"Wave packet model and Mach–Zehnder type interferometers",
Causality and Locality in Modern Physics, The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 373–382, 1998.
"Wave packet model and Mach–Zehnder type interferometers",
Conference on Locality and Causality in Quantum Optics and Cosmology, Toronto, Canada, aug, 1997.
"On optimal frequency stabilization of semiconductor lasers",
Proc. 10th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, Technion, Haifa, Israel, IFAC, dec, 1995.
"Identification and control for optimal frequency stabilization of semiconductor lasers",
Proc. Workshop on Automation and Control Engineering in Higher Education, Vienna, Austria, University of Technology, 1995.
"Numerical study of influence of ultrashort light pulse on thin optical layer",
Topical Meeting `Education and Training in Optics', no. 16, Pécs, Hungary, International Comission for Optics, 1993.