Found 4 results
Filters: Author is Dr Fodor, Mónika [Clear All Filters]
"A hazai munkahelyi étkezés értékrend alapú élelmiszerfogyasztói modellje",
MEB 2010 – 8th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking, Budapest, Óbudai Egyetem, pp. 265.-275. old., 2010.
"A magyar közoktatás finanszírozási szerkezete egy országos kvantitatív kutatás tükrében",
Humánpolitikai Szemle, vol. -, issue 2. szám, pp. 53-60, 2010.
"Competencies Highlighted within the domain of human resources and education ",
MendelNET 2009, European Scientific Conference of Ph.D. students, Brno, Brno, Czech Republic, Mendel University, Faculty of Economics, pp. abstract page: 156. (full text: CD), 2009.
"The relationship between value orientation, leisure time structure and way of eating by means of qalitative research ",
MendelNET 2009, European Scientific Conference of Ph.D. students, Brno, Brno, Czech Republic, Mendel University, Faculty of Economics, pp. abstract page: 167. (full text: CD), 2009.