Found 85 results
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"Adaptive Control of a Semi-Automatic Convoy of Unmodeled Internal Degrees of Freedom",
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2007): IEEE, pp. 129 - 134, 2007.
"Controllability of quantum bits - from the von Neumann architecture to quantum computing",
Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, pp. 9 - 12, 2007.
"Future Transportation: Intelligent Vehicles in Intelligent Environment",
4th International symposium on applied computational intelligence and informatics. SACI 2007, pp. 1 - 6, 2007.
"Historical background and coincidences of Kalman system realization theory",
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics: IEEE, pp. 63 - 73, 2007.
"Hybrid Systems: A Control Theoretic Perspective",
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics: IEEE, pp. 9 - 17, 2007.
"Investigation of the Behavior of Adaptively Controlled Platoons with Unmodeled Loads",
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Logistics and Industrial Informatics (LINDI 2007), pp. 137 - 142, 2007.
"Investigation of Various Tracking Rules in Platoons of Unmodeled Loads and Saturated Drives",
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications: IEEE, pp. 205 - 210, 2007.
"Ismeretlen terhelésű szakaszok adaptív szabályozása",
Proceedings of the MMA Symposium 2007 „Innováció és fenntartható felszíni közlekedés” – konferencia: BMF, pp. - , 2007.
"John von Neumann and the technical sciences",
Scientific Session in the Memory of the 50th Anniversary of John von Neumann’s Death, Budapest, pp. 1 - 20, 2007.
"The KITT’s Initial Contribution to the Educational Activities at Budapest Tech",
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, pp. 257 - 268, 2007.
"Step-by-Step Development of a Software Package for Automatic Analysys of Vehicle Behaviour",
International Symposium on Logistics and Industrial Informatics, 2007.
"A flottaüzemeltetés fejlődési irányai az intelligens közlekedési rendszerek megjelenésével",
37. Autóbusz Szakértői Tanácskozás, Balatonvil, 5–6 September, 2006.
"Strategic Development of Intelligent Transportation Systems",
World Automation Congress, Budapest, 24–26 July, 2006.
"Utasszámlálási technológiák és eljárások",
Kutatási jelentés a Budapesti Közlekedési Zrt. számára az „Utazási szokások és utasszámbecslés módszertanának fejlesztése a budapesti tömegközlekedési hálózaton” c. projekt keretében, Budapest, TÁRKI Társadalomkutatási Intézet, pp. 54, 2006.
"Intelligens közlekedési rendszeralkalmazások",
Tranzit Szaklap, vol. 7, pp. 16–19, December, 2005.
"On the application of subjective learning algorithms in decision-making",
3rd IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics (ICCC 2005), Mauritius, April, 2005.
"Intelligens közlekedési rendszeralkalmazások – illusztrált bevezetés",
MABEC 2005, Menedzsment Szakkiáll\'ı tás és Konferencia, Budapest Kongresszusi Központ, 8–9 November, 2005.
"Konzorciális kutatóhálózatok csoportmunka-hatékonyságának növelése információ-technológiai eszközökkel",
Networkhop, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, 2005.
"A New Stochastic Framework for Modelling Optical Communication Systems",
6th WSEAS International Conference on Telecommunications and Informatics, Cancun, Mexico, May, 2004.
"Optimizing Sampling Time in Single Photon Counting Experiments",
IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference (FUZZ-IEEE), Budapest, Hungary, pp. pp. 995-1000, July, 2004.
"Optimal Sampling in Single Photon Counting Using Fuzzy Logic",
6th Biannual World Automation Congress (WAC); 5th Symp. on Soft Computing for Industry (ISSCI), Sevilla, Spanyolország, pp. pp. 137-142, 2004.
"Stochastic model for single photon counting measurements",
IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing, (From Classical Measurement to Computing with Perceptions), WISP-2003, Budapest, Hungary, September, 2003.
"Filtering Hidden Information Processes in Photon Counting Experiments",
International Conference in Memoriam John von Neumann, Budapest, Hungary, Budapest Polytechnic, December, 2003.
"Identification of underlying intensity processes of interference patterns",
IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID-2003, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 1696–1700, August, 2003.
Statistical Identification for Generating Information Processes of Interference Patterns,
, vol. PhD: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, pp. 99, 2003.