Found 18 results
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"Application of fuzzy arithmetic and prior information to the assessment of the completeness of a mineral exploration program",
Geoinformatics, Boulder, Geological Society of America, pp. 217 - 224, 2006.
"The concept of geological uncertainties and new ways of their geomathematical evaluation",
Geoinformatics, Boulder, Geological Society of America, pp. 211 - 215, 2006.
"Assessment of the completeness of mineral exploration by the application of fuzzy arithmetic and prior information",
ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 15 - 31, 2005.
"The Bayesian concept of probability and its application to geologic problems",
Proceedings of the 2nd Romanian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Apllied Computational Intelligence, pp. 23 - 44, 2005.
"Assessment of the completeness of mineral exploration by the application of fuzzy arithmetic and prior information",
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Budapest, BMF - Magyar Fuzzy Társaság, pp. 27 - 37, 2004.
Evaluation of Uncertainties and Risks in Geology,
, Berlin, 222, 2004.
"Application of fuzzy sets to the biometric evaluation of the species Nummulites millecaput",
4th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Budapest, BMF - Magyar Fuzzy Társaság, pp. 27 - 37, 2003.
"L'emploi des méhodes de la théorie des ensembles flous à l' étude biométrique de l'espèce Nummulites millecaput dans la partie occidentale de la Téthys",
COMPTES RENDUS PALEVOL, vol. 2, pp. 317 - 324, 2003.
"Application of fuzzy methods in the safety analysis of the Püspökszilágy radioactive waste repository, Hungary",
3rd International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Budapest, BMF - Magyar Fuzzy Társaság, pp. 259 - 274, 2002.
"A bizonytalan halmazok elméletének alkalmazása kőzetminták termoanalitikai vizsgálatának értékeléséhez a Bodai Aleurolit Formáció példáján",
FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY, vol. 132, pp. 1 - 15, 2002.
"A bizonytalan halmazok elméletének alkalmazása röntgendiffraktométeres ásványtani fázisanalízis eredményeinek értékelésére",
FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY, vol. 131, pp. 331 - 341, 2001.
"Experiences in the applications of fuzzy sets to geology",
Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Budapest, BMF - Magyar Fuzzy Társaság, pp. 89 - 102, 2001.
"New possibilities for the evaluation of uncertainties. In safety assessment of radioactive waste disposal",
ACTA GEOLOGICA HUNGARICA, vol. 44, issue 4, pp. 363 - 380, 2001.
"Traditional and new ways to handle uncertainty in geology",
NATURAL RESOURCES RESEARCH, vol. 10, issue 3, pp. 179 - 187, 2001.
"Uncertainties and risk in geological activities and new ways of their handling",
"A bizonytalanság értékelése a födtudományokban",
FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY, vol. 130, issue 2, pp. 291 - 322, 2000.
"Handling uncertainty in geology by new mathematical methods",
1st International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Budapest, BMF - Magyar Fuzzy Társaság, pp. 93 - 109, 2000.
"Modelling uncertainty in geology",
Lecture at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, pp. - , 2000.