Found 6 results
Szűrők: Szerző = Borbély Emese [Minden szűrő visszaállítása]
"Die Entwicklung der ethischen Finanzierung in unterschiedlichen Kulturen",
Cross Cultural Communication, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Verlag, pp. 533-543, 2010.
"Alterglob válaszok a 21. században",
Afrika Tanulmányok, vol. II., pp. 64-71, 2008.
"J. A. Schumpeter und die Innovationsforschung",
6th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking, pp. 401-410, 2008.
"Geld ohne Bedarf - Bedarf ohne Geld",
5th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking, Budapest, pp. 201-208, 2007.
"Doing Global Business - Can Profit and Ethics go Together?",
Business Sciences – Symposium for young researchers, Budapest, pp. 19-30, 2006.
"Corporate Social Responsibility: Business future or future business?",
The River Book - Identity, Culture and Responsibility, Bialystok, BGÖI & WSCF-CESR, pp. 164-173, 2003.