Found 4 results
Szűrők: Szerző = Marianna Halász [Minden szűrő visszaállítása]
"Description of Ability to Draping of Textile Fabrics by Spectrum Function",
Aachen-Dresden International Textil Conference, Dresden, 2008.
"3D Dress Design by Virtual Mannequin",
Agiltex Design 1st Workshop, Iasi, Agiltex, pp. 121-126, 2006.
"Analysing of draping properties of textiles",
IN-TECH-ED ’05, Budapest, Budapesti Műszak Főiskola, pp. 133-138, 2005.
"The impact of fabric structure and finishing ont he dapery behavoir of textiles",
5th World Textile Conference AUTEX, Portoroz, Autex, pp. 891-897, 2005.