Found 26 results
Szűrők: Szerző = Gyurecz, György [Minden szűrő visszaállítása]
"Surface Shape Correction by Highlight Lines",
EEE 2012, vol. 1, no. 126, Dresden, TU Dresden, pp. 513-526, 2012.06.14..
"Módszer fényvonal struktúrák korrekciójára",
OGÉT 2012, vol. 1, Kolozsvár, EMT, pp. 149-153, 04/2012.
"Design and Optimization of Fine Structure of High Quality Surfaces",
MECH-EDU, vol. 1, Szabadka, Subotica Tech, College of Applied Sciences, pp. 186-191, 12/2011.
"Correction of Surfaces by Highlight Lines",
Factory Automation, vol. 1, Győr, Széchenyi István University, pp. 241-247, 05/2011.
"Új felületminőség javító módszer kifejlesztése",
OGÉT Nemzetközi Gépész Találkozó, vol. 1, Csíksomlyó, EMT, pp. 152-156, 05/2011.
"Correcting Fine Structure of Surfaces by Genetic Algorithm",
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, vol. 8, issue 6, pp. 181-190, 02/2012, 2011.
"Highlight Lines in Surface Shape Design",
GÉP, vol. 1, pp. 1-4, 2011.
"Novel Computation Method for Reflection Lines",
Óbuda University e-Bulletin, vol. 1: Óbuda University, pp. 71-77, 12/2010.
"Surface Shape Correction by Highlight lines",
Óbuda University e-Bulletin, vol. 1: Óbuda University, pp. 79-85, 12/2010.
"Application of Highlight Lines in the Design of Technical Surfaces",
Manufacturing 2010, vol. 1, Budapest, Hungary, MTA SZTAKI, pp. 1-6, 09/2010.
"Improvement of Shape Properties of Technical Surfaces",
Symmetry: Art and Science , vol. 1-4: ISIS-Symmetry, pp. 262-265, 06/2010.
"Surface Shape Optimization with Genetic Algorithms ad Highlight Lines",
Mechanical Enginering, vol. 1, Budapest, Hungary, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, pp. 1-6, 05/2010.
"Improving Quality of freeform surfaces using Genetic Algorithm and Highlight Lines",
Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering, vol. 1, Ancona, Italy, University of Delft, pp. 317-329, 04/2010.
"Evaluating and Correcting the Reflection Status of Surfaces",
Fifth Hungarian Conference on Computer Graphics and Geometry, vol. 1, no. 1, Budapest, Hungary, MTA SZTAKI, pp. 28-36, 02/2010.
"Evaluation of aesthetic quality of surfaces by reflection lines",
Symmetry: Art and Science , vol. 1-4: Polish Academy of Sciences, pp. 208-211, 2009.
"Új módszer fényvonalak számítására",
Műszaki Szemle - Technical Review, vol. 1: EMT, pp. 146-149, 2009.
"Robust computation of reflection lines",
Journal of Machine Manufacturing, vol. 1: Gépipari Tudományos Egyesület, pp. 1-6, 2009.
"Műszaki felületek hullámosságának modellezése",
Műszaki szemle - Technical review, vol. Különszám, pp. 165-168, 2008.
"Genetic Algorithm in Removing Local NURBS Surface Irregularities Using Highlight Lines",
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Atlanta, USA, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 1703-1704 , 07/2008.
"Computation of Reflection Lines for the Design of High Quality Surfaces",
Manufacturing 2008, vol. 1, MTA SZTAKI, pp. 94-100, 2008.
"A Technical Examination of the Planetary Transmission of the Ford Model T",
Ford T 2008, vol. 1, Budapest, Budapest Tech, pp. 136-141, 2008.
"Erővel záró tengelykötések",
Gépelemek BSc, vol. 1, Budapest, Mezőgazda Kiadó, pp. 300-315, 10/2007.
"Removing Local Surface Irregularities by Modifying Highlight Lines",
International Symposium on Logistics and Industrial Informatics, vol. 1, Wildau, Germany, IEEEE, pp. 150-153, 09/2007.
"Genetikai algoritmus (GA) alkalmazhatósága a felületi hullámosság és érdesség rekonstrukciójában",
Műszaki szemle - Technical Review, vol. 1: EMT, pp. 102-105, 05/2007.
"Genetikai Algoritmus, NURBS felületek lokális hibáinak javítására",
GÉP, vol. 2-3, pp. 32-35, 05/2005.