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"Diffusion in Electrodes Used for Resistance Spot Welding of Galvannealed Steel",
DEFECT AND DIFFUSION FORUM, vol. 297-301, pp. 300 - 307, 2010.
"Diffusion in Electrodes Used for Resistance Spot Weding of Galvannealed Steel",
5th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids – Mass Transfer, Heat Transfer and Microstructure and Properties, DSL-2009, pp. 1 - 6, 2009.
"Hőtechnikai folyamatok elemzése lokális kopásvizsgálatnál",
Fiatal Műszakiak Tudományos Ülésszaka XII., Kolozsvár, Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület, pp. 153 - 156, 2007.
"Modeling of the solidification process under non-steady-state conditions",
MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM, vol. 329-3, pp. 383 - 388, 2000.
"Modeling of non-steady-state dendritic growth",
The 4th International Conference Simulation, Design and Conrol of Foundry Processes, pp. 193 - 198, 1999.
HEAT TREATMENT OF METALS, vol. 19, issue 4, pp. 103 - 106, 1992.
"A Practical Method for the Computer Prediction of Technological Parameters of Two-Stage Gas Carburizing",
Heat treatment and surface engineering: new technology and practical applications, Ohio, ASM International, pp. 95 - 98, 1988.