Found 8 results
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"A kompetenciák mérése az emberi erőforrás-menedzsmentben és az oktatásban",
Humánpolitikai Szemle, vol. -, issue 7-8 szám, pp. 132-140, 2009.
"The motivations of consumer preferences and choosing a service provider in the domestic market of institutional catering",
MEB 2009 – 7th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking, Budapest, Budapesti Műszaki Főiskola, pp. 365-371, 2009.
"The motivations of consumer preferences and choosing a service provider in the domestic market of institutional catering",
MEB 2009 – 7th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking, Budapest, Budapesti Műszaki Főiskola, pp. 365-371, 2009.
"The motivations of consumer preferences and choosing a service provider in the domestic market of institutional catering",
MEB 2009 – 7th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking, Budapest, Budapesti Műszaki Főiskola, pp. 365-371, 2009.
"Munkahelyi étkezés támogatásának és szerepének megítélése a hazai felnőtt foglalkoztatottak körében",
Humánpolitikai Szemle, vol. -, issue 11-12. szám, pp. 36-41, 2009.
"The relationship between value orientation, leisure time structure and way of eating by means of qalitative research",
MendelNET 2009, European Scientific Conference of Ph.D. students MendelNet FEF 2009 Evropská vedecká konference posluchacu doktorskeho studia, Brno, Czech Republic, pp. 167., 2009.
"The application of multiple variable methods in the segmentation of the domestic consumer market according to value system",
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 4. szám, vol. 2008, issue 4. szám: Budapest Tech, pp. 109-124, 2008.
"Educational policy as reflected in the resources and decisions of municipal governments",
Hungarian Electronic Journal of Sciences, vol. Vocational Training Section, pp. VOC-090211-A, 2008.