Found 42 results
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"A HUNVEYOR-4 gyakorló űrszonda építése",
TERMÉSZETTUDOMÁNY TANÍTÁSA KORSZERŰEN ÉS VONZÓAN Nemzetközi szeminárium magyarul tanító tanárok számára ELTE TTK, Hungary, Budapest, pp. 336-340, 2011.
"A Hunveyor-Husar modellépítést támogató elektronikus tanulási környezet",
Lehetőségek és alternatívák a Kárpát- medencében (modszertani tanulmányok), pp. 512-519, 2011.
"The HUNVEYOR-project - a novel way of teaching Science and Physics HSCI2011",
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Hands-on Science, Slovenia, Ljubljana, pp. 3-6, 2011.
"How We Used NASA Lunar Samples in Lunar Analog Field Trip at the Tapolca Basin Basalt Flows, Balaton-Highlands, Hungary in Comparisons with Apollo 15 Layered Outcrop and Apollo 12 Basalt Samples",
In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXXI, Abstract #1358, USA, Houston, 2010.
"A sokhasznú Hunveyor az oktatásban",
Fizikatanítás tartalmasan és érdekesen, Hungary, Budapest, ELTE Fizika Doktori Iskola, pp. 263-268, 2010.
"A Hunveyor-Husar űrszonda modellek építése, mérések és terepgyakorlatok",
Robot Nap 2009., Budapest, Hungary, 2009.
"ISRU Based Building Concept for Producing Multifunctional Lunar Buildings",
Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group, USA, Houston, Texas, 2009.
"Magyarországi kirándulások a Holdon és a Marson",
Földgömb, vol. XI(XXVII), issue 7, pp. 64-73, 2009.
40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2009), USA, Houston, 2009.
Comparison of the ice cover fissure systems of Jovian satellite Europa and frozen Lake Balaton,
, Lake Balaton, Hungary, 2008.
"A Hunveyor",
Aeromagazin, vol. X., issue 4, pp. 48-50, 2008.
"Hunveyor and Husar robotics and planetary analog geological field works in Hungary: Comparative strategies",
European Planetary Science Congress, vol. 3, Münster, Germany, pp. 262, 2008.
"A Hunveyor gyakorló űrszondamodell sokoldalú fölhasználása a fizika tanításában és a tantárgyi kapcsolatokban",
Fizikai szemle, vol. 58, issue 2, pp. 55-61, 2008.
"New developments at Hunveyor and Husar space probe model constructions in Hungarian Universities and Colleges",
European Planetary Science Congress, vol. 3, Münster, Germany, pp. 914, 2008.
"Recognition of planetary cumulate rock types for rover cameras",
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 43, issue 7, pp. A179, 2008.
"Search for ice meteorite in Antarctica by Husar rover. Workshop on Antarctic Meteorites",
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 43, issue 7, pp. A183, 2008.
"Fresh Air in Education: The Hunveyor Educational Space Probe",
Pollack Periodica, vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 31-41, 2007.
Kis atlasz a Naprendszerről : Űrkutatás és technológia,
, Hungary, Budapest, ELTE TTK Kozmikus Anyagokat Vizsgáló Űrkutató Csoport, 2007.
"Mars Analog Fluvial and Desert Processes in the Pliocene Hungary Studied with Hunveyor",
XXXVIII LPSC, #1068, LPI, USA, Houston, 2007.
"Activities with the Hunveyor and Husar Space Probe Models in Hungary",
Space Activities in Hungary 2004-2005, Hungary, Budapest, pp. 107-108, 2006.
"Constructing HUNVEYOR-4, the Educational Space Probe SAMI 2006 Proceedings",
4th Slovakian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics , Herlany, Slovakia, 2006.
"Construction of the Hunveyor-Husar space probe model system for planetary science education and analog studies and simulations in universities and colleges of Hungary",
36. COSPAR Conference, Beijing, China, pp. TC3-273, 2006.