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Comparison of the ice cover fissure systems of Jovian satellite Europa and frozen Lake Balaton,
, Lake Balaton, Hungary, 2008.
"Construction of the Hunveyor-Husar space probe model system for planetary science education and analog studies and simulations in universities and colleges of Hungary",
36. COSPAR Conference, Beijing, China, pp. TC3-273, 2006.
"Educational space probe model system of lander (Hunveyor), rover (Husar) and test-terrain for planetary science education and analog studies in universities and colleges of Hungary",
European Planetary Science Congress, Germany, Berlin, 2006.
"Construction of the Hunveyor Experimental University Space Probe Model, a Lander M in the Hungarian Universities and Colleges: Structure, Main Instruments, Planned Goals, Experiments",
International Symposium on Impact Events in Japan, Yamaguchi, Japan, 2003.