Found 8 results
Szűrők: Szerző = L.T. Kóczy [Minden szűrő visszaállítása]
"Optimizing Sampling Time in Single Photon Counting Experiments",
IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference (FUZZ-IEEE), Budapest, Hungary, pp. pp. 995-1000, July, 2004.
"Optimal Sampling in Single Photon Counting Using Fuzzy Logic",
6th Biannual World Automation Congress (WAC); 5th Symp. on Soft Computing for Industry (ISSCI), Sevilla, Spanyolország, pp. pp. 137-142, 2004.
"A new method for avoiding abnormal conclusion for a-cut based rule interpolation",
8th IEEE Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Seoul, Korea, pp. pp. 383-388, 1999.
"Stochastic and fuzzy decision models in energetics",
3rd World Automation Congress, Anchorage, USA, may, 1998.
"Fuzzy system identification method for cognitive and decision processes",
IEEE System, Man and Cybernetics, San Diego, USA, 1998.
"On control of non-smoothing systems",
Proc. Workshop AUTOMATION 2001, Vienna, Austria, University of Technology, pp. 285, jun, 1997.
"Qualitative modelling of vehicle vibrating structures",
Proc. Symposium on Qualitative System Modelling, Qualitative Fault Diagnosis and Fuzzy Logic and Control, Budapest, Hungary, Technical University of Budapest, apr, 1996.
"Fuzzy linguistic expert systems and models",
Proc. XXII. Conference on Operation Research, Balatonkenese, Hungary, pp. 26–27, sep, 1995.