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"User Interface Design for Internet-based Telerobotics System",
SCORED 2001, pp. - , 2001.
"Adaptive Control Based on the Application of Simplified Uniform Structures and Learning Procedures",
"Application of 'Minimum Symplectic Transformations' in an Adaptive Control for Polishing Operations",
Proc. of the 4th IEEE / IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for BALANCED AUTOMATION SYSTEMS in Production and Transportation, pp. & - , 2000.
"Generic Modeling of Manufacturing Processes Using Petri Nets for Concurrent Engineering",
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology: IEEE, pp. 399 - 404, 2000.
"Improved Adaptive Robot Control Based on Minimum Symplectic Transformations",
Proceedings of MMAR 2000 6th International Conference on Methods annd Models in Automation and Robotics, pp. - , 2000.
"A Minimum Operation Adaptive Robot Control Using Symplectic Geometry-Based Prediction",
Proceedings of the “9th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube region (RAAD’2000), pp. 187 - 192, 2000.
"Minimum Operation Algebraic Adaptive Control for Robot Based on a Novel Branch of Soft Computing",
Proceedings of EUREL 2000, Vol. 2, Session 3, Brussels, EUREL, pp. - , 2000.
"A New Approach in The Use of Symplectic Geometry as an AI Tool in Robot Control: The Idea of "Minimum Operation Transformations",
IFAC symposium on artificial intelligence in real time control. AIRTC-2000. Preprints. Budapest, 2000, Budapest, IFAC, pp. 335 - 340, 2000.
"New Methods for the Evolutionary Improvement of JobShop Scheduling Dispatching Rules",
The 2000 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ICAI'2000, pp. - , 2000.
"A New Possible Branch of Computational Intelligence for Developing Real Time Control in Mechatronics",
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON 2000) 21st Century Technologies and Industrial Opportunities, pp. 912 - 917, 2000.
"Non-Conventional Integration of the Fundamental Elements of Soft Computing and Traditional Methods in Adaptive Robot Control",
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation: IEEE, pp. 3531 - 3536, 2000.
"Selection of Different Abstract Groups for Developing Uniform Structures to be Used in Adaptive Control of Robots",
Proceedings of ISIE, Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Puebla, IEEE, pp. 559 - 564, 2000.
"Simultaneous Optimization of the External Loop Parameters in an Adaptive Control Based on the Co-operation of Uniform Procedures",
"Symplectic Geometry Based Simple Algebraic Possibilities for Developing Adaptive Control for Mechanical Systems",
Proceedings of INES '2000 IEEE Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Opatija, IEEE, pp. 67 - 70, 2000.
"An Adaptive Robot Control for Technological Operations Based on Uniform Structures and Reduced Number of Free Parameters",
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD’99), pp. 106 - 111, 1999.
"Advanced Control of Robot in technological Operation",
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems: IEEE, pp. 139 - 144, 1999.
"Application of Uniform Structures and Passive Compliant Components in an Adaptive Robot Control for Technological Operation",
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE’99), pp. 867 - 871, 1999.
"Application of Uniform Structures and Procedures in Robot Control",
GÉP, vol. 7, pp. 32 - 39, 1999.
"Certain Aspects of Parameter Tuning in the Adaptive Control of Mechanical Systems Based on Uniform Structures and Procedures",
Bánki Donát Müszaki Föiskola Jubileumi Ülésszaka [Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Bánki Donát Polytechnic Jubilee International Conference, BDMF], Budapest, Bánki Donát Műszaki Főiskola, pp. 69 - 74, 1999.
"Dynamic Tuning of the Parameters of an Adaptive Control for Mechanical Processes",
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’99), pp. CD - , 1999.
"Formally Non-Exact Analytical Modeling of Mechanical Systems and Environmental Interactions in an Adaptive Control",
Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'99), pp. 831 - 838, 1999.
"Global Parameter Optimization in an Adaptive Control Built up of Uniform Structures and Procedures",
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Advanced Robotics (’99 ICAR), pp. 311 - 316, 1999.
"Integrated Use of Fuzzy Concepts and Uniform Structures of the Fundamental Groups in Classical Mechanics: an Overview Regarding Adaptive Control",
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems: IEEE, pp. 27 - 32, 1999.
"A Kinematic Coordination Scheme of Two Cooperating Robot Manipulators",
Proceedings of INES’ 99, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, pp. 69 - 73, 1999.
"A new utilization of the Hamiltonian formalism in the adaptive control of mechanical systems under external perturbation",
INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION AND SOFT COMPUTING, vol. 5, issue 4, pp. 303 - 312, 1999.