Found 21 results
Szűrők: Szerző = Nagy István [Minden szűrő visszaállítása]
"Behaviour Study of a Multi-Agent Mobile Robot System during Potential Field Building",
ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, vol. No. 4, issue Vol 6, pp. 111 - 136, 2009.
"Simple Adaptive Dynamical Control of Vehicles Driven by Omnidirectional Wheels",
7th IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics (ICCC 2009), pp. 91 - 95, 2009.
"A Simulation System for Behaviour Based Potential Field Building in Multi-Agent Mobile Robot System",
Proceeding of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Computational Intelligence, Banff, pp. 7 - 12, 2007.
"Szimulációs rendszer egy multi-ágensű, mobilrobotos környezetben felépített potenciálmező készítéséhez",
6. Nemzetközi Biztonságtechnikai és Mechatronika Szimpózium, Budapest, pp. - , 2006.
"Characteristics of the Mechatronics Curriculum to the BSc Level Mechatronics Course at the Budapest Tech",
6th International Workshop on Researcg and Education in Mechatronics, France, Annecy, 2005.
"A Global Path Planning Algorithm, Based on Maximal Localization Error",
Proceeding of the Int. Jubilee Conf. Science in Engineering, Economics and Education, Budapest, pp. 69 - 85, 2005.
"Off-line Mobile Robot Path Planning Process with Given",
Proceeding of the INES2005, Int. Conf. on Intelligent Engineering Systems, pp. 279 - 282, 2005.
"Mobilrobotok pályatervezése a minimális pozíció-mérési hiba segítségével",
4. Nemzetközi Mechatronikai Szimpózium,, Budapest, pp. 5 - , 2004.
"Genetic Algorithms Applied for Potential Field",
Proceeding of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Computational Cybernetics, ICCC2003, Budapest, pp. 105 - 108, 2003.
"A mechatronika tanításának lehetőségei az internetes oktatásban (E-Learning)",
3. Nemzetközi Mechatronikai Szimpózium, Greguss Pál emlékére,, Budapest, pp. - , 2003.
"Model-Based Path Planning Algorithm in Respect",
Proceeding of the INES2003, Int. Conf. on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Assiut, pp. 551 - 556, 2003.
"Fault Analysis of Mobile Robot Positioning",
Proceeding of the 11th Int. Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD2002, Budapest, pp. 461 - 470, 2002.
"Marker-Based Mobile Robot Positioning in Respect",
Proceeding of the INES 2002, Opatija, pp. 63 - 68, 2002.
"Mechatronika a mikro-robotikában",
2nd International Symposium on Mechatronics, Budapest, pp. - , 2002.
"Local Trajectory Optimization Based on Dynamical Properties of Mobile Platform",
Proceeding of the INES 2001, Int. Conf. on Intelligent Engieering Systems, Helsinki, pp. 285 - 290, 2001.
"Trajectory Planning Based on Position Error Analysis and Fault Area Modeling",
Proceeding of the 10th Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2001, Budapest, pp. 345 - 350, 2001.
"Trajectory Planning for Multi-agent System Based on Traffic Density and Position Error Analysis",
Proceeding of the INES 2000, Portoroz, pp. 261 - 265, 2000.
"Vector Field Based Guiding Model",
5th International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Its Applications (FSTA’00),, pp. 142 - , 2000.
"Path Planning Algorithms for Mobile Robots Equipped with Navigation Sensors",
Proc. of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems INES'99, pp. 43 - 50, 1999.
"Vision Based Navigation for Multi-agent Mobile Robot System in the Transport Domain",
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, pp. 165 - 170, 1997.
"Intelligent Control for Hydraulic Pulating Pump Using Programmable Logic Controller",
Proc. of CARs & FOF '94, pp. 265 - 270, 1995.