Found 330 results
Szűrők: Szerző = Bitó, János [Minden szűrő visszaállítása]
"Application of a Novel Branch of Soft Computing in the Adaptive Control of Non-linear Systems of Strictly and Loosely Bounded Unmodeled and Uncontrolled Internal Degrees of Freedom",
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, pp. 52 - 57, 2004.
"Application of Extended Numerical Approximation of Fractional Order Derivatives in Adaptive Control",
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2004 (INES’04), pp. 476 - 481, 2004.
"A combined Solution of the Inverse Kinematic Task in the Vicinity of Singularities",
"Comparison of the Operation of the Centralized and the Decentralized Variants of a Soft Computing Based Adaptive Control",
Proceedings of Budapest Tech Polytechnical Institution’s Jubilee Conference 1879-2004, Budapest, Budapest Polytechnic, pp. 331 - 342, 2004.
"Improved Simulation Based Investigation of the Effect of Time Resolution in a Novel Adaptive Control for Classical Mechanical Systems",
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Budapest, Budapesti Műszaki Főiskola, pp. 111 - 122, 2004.
"Investigation of the Effect of Time Scaling in a Soft Computing Based Control Using Fractional Order Derivatives",
Proceedings of the 2nd Serbian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Intelligent Systems (SISY 2004), pp. - , 2004.
"A Modified Renormalization Algorithm Based Adaptive Control Guaranteeing Complete Stability for a Wide Class of Physical Systems",
Intelligent Systems at the Service of Mankind, Augsburg, UBooks, pp. 3 - 14, 2004.
"A New Approach in Computational Cybernetics Based on the Modified Renormalization Algorithm Guaranteeing Complete Stability in the Control of a Wide Class of Physical Systems",
Intelligent Systems at the Service of the Mankind, Augsburg, U Books, pp. 3 - 14, 2004.
"Simulation Based Verification of the Applicability of a Novel Branch of Computational Cybernetics in the Adaptive Control of Imperfectly Modeled Physical Systems of Asymmetric Delay Time and Strong Non-linearities",
ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 26 - 43, 2004.
"Analysis of the Effect of Backlash and Joint Acceleration Measurement Noise in the Adaptive Control of Electro-mechanical Systems",
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE '03, pp. 286 - 291, 2003.
"Improvement of a Non-linear Adaptive Controller Designed for Strongly Non-linear Plants",
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2003, pp. 1381 - 1386, 2003.
"Inverse Kinematic Task in the Singularities",
Proc. of the ICCC 2003 IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, pp. * - , 2003.
"Shape Modeling in Robot Systems Using Extended Application of Form Features",
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2003, pp. 1805 - 1810, 2003.
"Solution of the Inverse Kinematic Task in the Singularities",
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, ICCC 2003, pp. - , 2003.
"Special Symplectic Transformations Used in Nonlinear System's Control",
Proceedings of RAAD'03, 12th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, pp. - , 2003.
"Special Symplectic Transformations Used in Nonlinear System’s Control",
"Application of a New Family of Symplectic Transformations in the Adaptive Control of Mechanical Systems",
Proc. of The 28th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 1499 - 1504, 2002.
"Convergence Properties of the Modified Renormalization Algorithm Based Adaptive Control Supported by Ancillary Methods",
Proceedings of the third International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control, pp. 51 - 56, 2002.
"Feature Driven Associative Part and Machining Process Models",
Knowledge and Technology Integration in Production and Services, Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 11 - 18, 2002.
"A New Approach in Computational Cybernetics Based on the Modified Renormalization Algorithm Guaranteeing Complete Stability in the Control of a Wide Class of Physical Systems",
Proceeding of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems INES 2002, pp. 19 - 24, 2002.
"A New Approach in Computational Cybernetics Based on the Modified Renormalization Algorithm Guaranteeing Complete Stability in the Control of a Wide Class of Physical Systems",
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. & - , 2002.
"Novel Adaptive Control of Mechanical Systems Driven by Electromechanical Hydraulic Drives",
Knowledge and Technology Integration in Production and Services, Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 518 - 532, 2002.
"Application of a Novel Branch of Soft Computing Aiming at Platform-Independence and Uniformity in the Adaptive Control of Electromechanical Devices",
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Technology in Mechatronics, pp. 369 - 374, 2001.
"Application of the Symplectic Group in a Novel Branch of Soft Computing-for Controlling of Electro-Mechanical Devices",
Second International Workshop On Robot Motion and Control RoMoCo'001, pp. 611 - 616, 2001.
"An Emerging Branch of Computational Cybernetics Dedicated to the Solution of Reasonably Limited Problem Classes",
AT&P JOURNAL PLUS, vol. 1, pp. 19 - 25, 2001.